Elmvale Acres Ottawa Housing Information

Elmvale Acres Ottawa housing

For people wanting to buy a house in Elmvale Acres Ottawa, it pays off to have knowledge of this neighborhood. At least know things like the location and the surrounding areas of Elmvale Acres. Also, get to know about Elmvale Acres Ottawa housing and what kind of neighborhood are you going to be in if you buy a house here. Contact us for more details and queries.

About Elmvale Acres

You can find Elmvale Acres in Ottawa Greenbelt. It is one of the most established suburbs in Ottawa. It is very close to Ottawa downtown. It is a frequent homebuyer’s choice for residential area. It is just beside another homebuyer’s favorite neighborhood in Ottawa, Alta Vista. Around Elmvale Acres you will find Lynda Lane Park, St. Laurent Blvd, Russell Road, and Walkley Road.

If you go around this neighborhood, you will notice that a lot of the properties here are at least over 50 years old. Most houses here still exude their old charms but some of the homes have already undergone modifications and modernization. Also in recent years, there are more and more addition of modern homes and properties in the neighborhood.

Elmvale Acres Ottawa Housing

Elmvale Acres is a very attractive neighborhood to buy a home in. This is due to the quality of living in the area and also the overall vibes in the community. A lot of first-time homebuyers, as well as seasoned home buyers, choose Elmvale Acres to be the location of their new home.

Some interesting information about Elmvale Acres Ottawa housing is the following:

• A good number of houses here were built years ago. In fact, the oldest house here was up since around 1898.
• The average age of houses in Elmvale Acres is about 60 to 70 years. Most of the houses here were put up at around the 1950s.
• A large percentage of the homes here are detached or stand-alone.
• The pricing for the houses in Elmvale Acres Ottawa ranges from around $250,000 to $600,000. The average house price in the past few years is not more than $400,000. The price will depend on a lot of factors.
• There are also apartments and condos available for those who prefer this kind of residential space.

Buy A House In Elmvale Acres Ottawa

If you go around Elmvale Acres, you will instantly fall in love with the place. It is a quiet and safe neighborhood and very close to different amenities. The neighborhood is just so attractive and it comes as no surprise why many people choose to make this neighborhood their home.

If you are one of the many captivated homebuyers in Elmvale Acres, make sure you work with a good real estate agent to get the best value for your home purchase. Contact us for more details and queries.